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Ralph B. Clark Regional Park


To start off this trail is a little hard to find. To get to this park was it was a quick 15 minutes if you're in the Fullerton area. Once you get to the park you'll see a huge sign and entrance to the park but you do have to pay for parking. I did a U turn on Rosecrans Ave and parked along the curb like everyone else. To the side of the park there is an entrance to this hiking trail which is where I took my hike. It also allows you access to the rest of the park without paying the parking fee.

I walked for an hour, I did not walk the whole park since it is really big. I will for sure go back again some other time to walk more of this park. Once you walk past the fence onto the trail you have the option of either taking a slight right and walk uphill on one trail or continue walking straight on the path you're currently on and it just leads down behind the hill.

This is the trial that leads to the top of the hill which I will be taking another day. As you can see this trial is dirt. It is evenly paved out so there aren't too many holes in the ground but always keep an eye out. Dogs are allowed on leashes but there are no disposal bins for the dogs so you do have to carry them with you until you reach a trash can. What makes this hike different from others is that it is at a park and that means this is a very active hike. You will always see someone on the trails and if you're looking to relax at the park after the hike you have the option to do so. This hike is unique because like I mentioned it's connected to a park so there is so much more space to be discovered. The trail I took provided so much shade compared to the picture above there isn't much shade provided.

This picture above shows the trail I stayed on which provides more shade. There is a wooden fence that goes all along the trail so you can't go over it and walk up the hill to the other trail. Respect nature this is why they have a fence and give more than enough space on each trail to walk, run, or cycle. There isn't much scenery to the right I saw the back of the hill and to the left I saw a golf course that is just on the other side of the fence. But it is a good trial to distract yourself but still be around other people if you aren't into the more secluded hikes.

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